Friday, May 14, 2010

Remind Me, What Do You Do??

As I mentioned in my previous post, Ryan had his 4 month pediatrician appointment earlier this week. At one point during the appointment Dr. P, who now knows Matt and I from numerous visits turned to us and said, "Remind me, What do you do?" I paused, I stopped, I fumbled for words. I didn't know how to answer. It was the first time I had been asked this question since I resigned from my job.

Hmmmmm, let's see. Well, I was a medical Social Worker. Now, I'm a stay at home Mom. In a few months I'll be a "Nanny" to my nieces. I definitely plan on going back to being a Medical Social Worker. No, wait. I am a Social Worker. I will always be a Social Worker. I have years of training, experience, and expertise under my belt. I went into this field because I love the work. I love working with families, I love children, I love being able to support people during difficult times. The knowledge base that I have comes into play in my personal life on an almost daily basis. Being a Social Worker is part of my being. Not being employed in that role does not mean I am no longer a Social Worker.

It took me a bit of thinking and processing to get to the conclusion that I just came up with above. And while I initially felt a little sad when I didn't know how to answer Dr. P's question, as I felt like a part of my identity had been lost, I am glad he asked it. I now know exactly how I will answer: "I'm a Social Worker. But right now, I am focusing on being a Mom."

1 comment:

  1. Amen! You haven't stopped being a socail worker, you've just added being a mom to the mix! :) I also want you to know how much I enjoy all your blog posts. I think all us ♥ families knew what an amazing mom you would be by the love, support, and care you gave us during some of the most difficult times in our lives and you have proven that to be true with Ryan. Give that precious baby boy a hug and kiss from us! :)


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