Dearest Ryan,
Today you turn 18 months old and I find this nearly impossible to believe. I can still vividly remember the moment you were born...looking at you being held above my head as the doctor pulled you out of my belly. I saw you, and said, "It's a boy!" You were and are a beautiful little boy who has so seamlessly become such an integral part of my and your Dada's life. We are so lucky to have you. And in that moment, 18 months ago, I became a better person because of you.
(Sorry to those who are squeamish!) |
So much has changed about you since I last wrote one of these letters (when you had just turned one year old). Its hard to know where to begin...
In the past 6 months it has been such a joy watching your personality develop. You are an out-going, joyful, empathetic, silly, and energetic little boy. You still say hello to almost anyone. You screech with delight when you simply hear mention of your favorite things, such as, Dada, trucks (yes, you still love trucks), dogs (which you want to lick in return when you meet one), cats, ice cream (i-ceeeeaaam!!!! YOU LOVE IT!), Nana (or, as you say, "Nee-Nee"), Pop-pop, Caitlin ("Cay-Cay"), Julia (Ju-ju), drums, Elmo, Cookie Monster (really, all the Sesame Street characters), Clifford (your stuffed dog), slides, going for walks, your stroller, and the park.....oh there are so many things and people you love!

As I said, you are also an empathetic and caring little boy. And this makes me so proud! You care about other people. You get a concerned look on your face when you can tell someone you love is hurt or upset. You give hugs freely, and you are just starting to learn to say "Love you!" Its not very clear yet, but you're getting there.
And yes, you're silly and energetic. You laugh with reckless abandon and you repeat any behavior that gets a laugh out of someone else. You love to wrestle with Dada, and if you could, you would spend your life outside, climbing, playing in the water, going down slides, running, and digging in the dirt. In so many ways you truly are such a boy.
Watching your physical development over the past few months has also been astonishing. You now love to climb on things, and this is rather scary for me. You try to climb EVERYTHING: beds, chairs, your crib (fortunately so far you only try to climb into the crib, and as far as we know have not yet attempted out), the stools at Auntie Cindy, and Uncle John's, the equipment at the playground, etc. Pretty much if there is a way to climb something, you'll climb it. This is one of the few developments in which I do not take much pleasure!!
Another joy has been watching the relationships you share with other people develop. You absolutely adore your Nee-Nee and Pop-pop. Just the other day I asked you, "What should we do for fun today, Ryan?" and you said, "See Nee-Nee, Pop-Pop!" They make you smile wider than anyone else, and I love seeing you with them. You also love your cousins Caitlin and Julia. In the morning, you know that we go to their house, so as soon as I say, "Let's go!" you say, "Cay-cay! Ju-ju!!" And you are just soooo very excited. You love your Auntie Cindy ("Aun Sin") and your Uncle John ("Uh Don") and your Auntie Catharine and Uncle Mark so much. If I could bottle the joy and love you exude when you are with the people you love I am fairly certain we could cure depression and bring about world peace.

I hope you feel the love you give coming back to you 100 fold. Ryan, you are a beautiful little boy and I am so proud of you! You make me a very happy Mama, and I don't want you to EVER forget how very much you are loved. You have been loved from the moment you were born, and you will continue to be loved every day for the rest of your life.
Happy 18th Month Birthday, baby boy!
Love always,