I brought two of my children (ages 5 and 6) to drag queen story time at the Crofton Library last week. Before going I helped my kids understand the event in this way:
“Drag Queens help us to celebrate differences! There are some people in the world who like to dress in less traditional ways. For example, some boys/men like to wear clothes that are more traditionally thought of as women’s clothes. And sometimes they like to perform and share their true selves with others while wearing their favorite outfits! People who like to dress and perform in this way are called Drag Queens.
“There is no “right” or “wrong” way for anyone to dress. There is no “right” or “wrong” way for anyone to look. The most important thing is that we are true to ourselves and celebrate everyone for who they are. Kindness matters. Being a good person matters. Being true to YOU matters. What you wear and what you look like does not matter!” I prepared them for the fact that sometimes events like this attract people who do not believe in celebrating everyone’s humanity. I explained that because of this, it’s important that those of us who believe in kindness and celebrating everyone show up in big numbers, so we drown out the negativity of anyone who disagrees.
I had hoped my preparing them for people who opposed this event would be for naught. But, sadly it wasn’t. When we arrived, there were numerous older individuals in the front of the library (monitored closely by police) with large signs that said things like “Crofton Library is corrupting our children.”
I watched these individuals and wondered what they were so afraid of. I wondered what they feared would happen to children who were seeing a joyful man, dressed as a beautiful woman, sing, dance, and share stories of inclusion and identity. Watching the children in attendance it was clear there was nothing to fear at all.
My own children struggled to understand why anyone would oppose an event like this. The people with the signs were still there when we left. As I asked my kids what they thought of the event Connor (5) said, “It was really fun!” Zach (6) said, “He looked really cool!” Zach then said, “Why were those people with the signs mad about this event? Why didn’t they want us to go?”

I explained that not everyone is able to celebrate people for who they are in the same way we do. I explained that some people fear things that are different. I explained that it is because of the people out front holding those signs that we must work extra hard to spread kindness and love as far and wide as we can. My boys smiled and said, “We will, Mama!”
If you ever worry about the future of this country, go to a Drag Queen story hour. You might see protesters who just don’t get it. But you’ll also see children who are learning to accept everyone for who they are, regardless of how they dress or what they look like. You’ll see our future, and you’ll smile.